Kindle, columns, worksheets and more!

Hypnotic Amnesia Worksheet Explanation & Create

We’ve published Hypnotic Amnesia, The Book You Remember on How to Forget in both Kindle and paperback versions. They’re selling well, and we want to thank everyone who has purchased them and who will publish them in the future.

We ran into an interesting dilemna with the Kindle version however, one which we didn’t anticipate. Because we have one chapter with columns and because we offer PDF worksheets for each chapter, we had to create the ebook in a textbook/print replica format. That has resulted in the book being challenging to read/re-size/enjoy for some of our fans.

To make things slightly better, we’ve offered this compromise – we’re putting out an Abridged version of Hypnotic Amnesia. This version will lack Chapter 21, Dual Inductions, and will have no worksheets. Instead, we’ve made a blank worksheet and an explanation on how to use them available right here at the top of this post, as a link to a pdf, so that everyone who wants to can use that to record their progress.

Thanks for your patience, and we hope that this compromise is suitable for all those people who prefer a Kindle version to read!

Lee & D.J.